Vocabulary test results

The table below gives you an indication of the size of your vocabulary.

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Results table for test level 1 (80 test items)
Score   Vocabulary size
20/80 Your vocabulary is around >>> 500 words
30/80 Your vocabulary is around >>> 1,700 words
40/80 Your vocabulary is around >>> 3,100 words
50/80 Your vocabulary is around >>> 4,400 words
60/80 Your vocabulary is around >>> 5,800 words
70/80 Your vocabulary is around >>> 7,000 words*
80/80 Your vocabulary is more than >>> > 8,000 words*


As scores approach 80, results get less reliable. Take  our test at level 2 or 3!

Common scoring among non-native speakers in ordinary schools and universities:

School level Word knowledge Years at school Average scores
Elementary 1,000 - 3,000 words 2 - 6 years of school English average: 1,500*
Intermediate 2,000 - 5,000 words 4 - 9 years of school English average: 3,200*
Intermediate + 4,500 - 11,000 words 6 - 10 years of school English average: 6,000*
* Based on more than 300,000 tests

The connection between scoring and vocabulary size is based on the assumption that the test is a fair representation of the most common words in the English language, and that taking a test of 80 to 120 words (well spread over tested frequency ranges) is enough to get a reasonably fair result. It is also based on the assumption that association is a feasible way of testing vocabulary.

One conclusion for you ...

If you are are planning to study at a university in an English-speaking country, you need a test result indicating a vocabulary of at least 7,000 words.

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